Montana Business Registration Requirements
Montana does not actually regulate a lot of its businesses with a Montana Business License.
The main thing is forming your business with the Montana Secretary of State. We do this service for you for only $100 and you’ll have all the paperwork you need to start your business in Montana.
Here’s some info about Montana business licenses:
In general some of the industries regulated by a board of licensure in Montana are:
Medicine, Dentistry, Podiatry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Optometry, Physical Therapy, Chiropractors, Radiology, Psychologists, Veterinarians, Counseling, Nutritionists, Midwifes, Barbers, Science practitioners, massage therapy, athletic trainers, septic tanks, water wells, outfitters and guides, public accountants, real estate brokers and agents, appraisers, investigators, attorneys, architects, engineers, surveyors, plumbers, electricians, HVAC, and contractors.
For a full search of your profession, here is the best link to start looking at requirements:
Regardless of your business license needs, you will need a company established. That is what we do. We only charge $100 to set up your Montana business with the Secretary of State. Here’s a few more links of interest:
Contractors actually do not require a contractors’ license. There is a Contractor registration application, but no license: