Montana LLC
A Montana LLC (Limited Liability Company) is a business entity that combines the best of a corporation with those of a partnership or sole-proprietorship. Owners of a Montana LLC can protect their personal assets from company debts (just like a corporation), but still avoid double-taxation much like a partnership or sole-proprietorship.
In addition, starting a Montana LLC won’t drain your wallet. Initial filing fees are fairly low, and annual maintenance costs are even less expensive. Plus, when you sign up for our Montana LLC formation services, we’ll have your business registered with the state within 24 hours.
How to Start an LLC in Montana
- Choose a business name. No two companies can have the same name—so, you’ll need to search the Montana Business Database to make sure the business name you want is available and not too similar or easily confused with another company.
- Get a Montana registered agent. All Montana businesses are required to have a registered agent—an individual or other entity that accepts legal and state documents on behalf of your Montana LLC. Even if you want to form your LLC yourself, you can still hire us to be your Montana registered agent for just $49 a year.
- File Articles of Organization. This must be submitted online through the Montana Secretary of State website. You’ll need to include all of the following information:
- Name of your LLC
- Duration—whether or not you want your LLC to exist indefinitely
- Principal/mailing address
- Registered agent information
- Member/manager information
- Management structure (member-managed vs. manager-managed)
- Signature and title of the person filing
Our Montana LLC Formation Service
Hiring us to form your Montana LLC is the fastest and easiest way to get your business up and running. We make filing your Articles of Organization as simple as possible—by doing it for you! We’ll even list our registered agent address on the formation papers instead of your personal information—helping you maintain your privacy. You’ll also get:
- A full year of professional Montana registered agent service—including immediate service of process notice.
- Annual report reminders—for an additional $70, we’ll file it for you
- A secure online account to store important mail and business related documents
- FREE mail forwarding service that includes 5 pieces of mail per year
- A fair, low price: $184
Start a Montana LLC Today!
How much does it cost to set up an LLC in Montana?
Filing the Montana Articles of Organization costs $35 for domestic LLCs. It typically takes 7-10 business days to process—unless you pay an additional $20 (24 hours) or $100 (1 hour) for expedited processing.
When you sign up for our Montana LLC formation service, our team will have your Montana LLC legally formed within one business day. We’ll submit your formation papers to the Secretary of State and provide a full year of professional registered agent service—all for the low price of $184 a year.
Do I need an attorney to start a Montana LLC?
Not at all. Although some people may choose to hire an attorney to help them form a Montana business, attorney fees can be very expensive. Signing up for our Montana LLC formation service is not only more cost effective—we’ll also help you navigate every form and state document along the way. Our team of filing experts will make sure everything is done correctly—the first time.
Do I need a Montana Registered Agent?
Yes. Montana state law requires all LLCs to have a registered agent—a person or other business entity that accepts service of process on your company’s behalf.
For just $49 a year, you can hire us to provide expert Montana registered agent service. We’ll even use our address on your formation papers—ensuring your personal information stays off public record.
Can my Montana LLC members be another business entity?
Yes. Members of a Montana LLC can be individuals OR another business entity. It’s entirely up to you.
How soon will my Montana LLC be formed?
The Montana Secretary of State typically processes formation paperwork within 7-10 business days. If you need your business formed faster, you can pay an additional $20 for 24 hour processing OR $100 for 1 hour.
Does my Montana LLC need an assumed name (DBA)?
Many Montana LLCs choose to operate under an assumed name (often called a DBA) because it allows for more branding and franchising opportunities. We can easily register your LLC’s assumed name. Select our Trade Name (DBA) service at checkout after purchasing our business formation service. We have three pricing options, all of which include state fees: Standard – $145.00, Expedited – $165.00, or Ultra Expedited $245.00.
Should my Montana LLC be member-managed OR manager-managed?
The answer to this question really depends on you and your specific business needs. Member-managed LLCs are great for those wanting to play an active role in the business’s day-to-day operations. However, if you or some of your investors wish to delegate major decision making to a manager, then a manager-managed LLC might be more suited for you.
Is my Montana LLC required to have an operating agreement?
Legally, you are not required to have an operating agreement. However, it’s considered good business practice to have one. A strong operating agreement can help your Montana LLC handle small events like opening a bank account or manage bigger obstacles such as a merger.
When you sign up for our Montana LLC formation service, we’ll provide an operating agreement (written by our in-house attorneys) that you can edit and customize for your own needs.
Is my Montana LLC required to file a Beneficial Ownership Information Report?
Yes. As of January 1st 2024, newly formed LLCs that do business in the US are required to file a Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) report to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) within 30 days of formation.* Companies formed prior to 2024 have until December 31, 2024 to file a BOI.
This report provides increased oversight on beneficial owners and company applicants. The information you submit is not public, and there is no filing fee.
- Beneficial owners are individuals who own 25% or more of the company, exercise substantial control over the business (e.g., senior officers) or receive substantial economic benefits from the business assets.
- Company applicants are those who file the company’s formation paperwork, or decided to file the formation.
It’s a lot, we know. The BOI report is a new mandatory federal reporting requirement that may evolve with time. You can learn more by visiting our FAQ page on the Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Report.
When you form your company with $49 MT, you can add BOI report filing at checkout for an additional $25 and rest assured that our MT filing experts can handle the rest. We’re not just local filing experts. For years now we’ve offered a range of federal filing services, including EINs and S-Corps. We’re proud to add the BOI report as an option, and we’d be glad to file for you quickly, correctly, and securely.
* FinCEN has extended the BOI report deadline for companies created or registered in 2024 to 90 days after formation. This is a temporary extension to to allow reporting companies time to become familiar with and adhere to the new federal report requirement. Companies formed in 2025 and thereafter will return to the typical 30-day window to file a BOI report after forming a company.
What are the filing requirements for the BOI?
Unless you have been exempt from filing, the BOI requires basic information about your company:
- Legal business name and any trade names or DBAs
- US business street address
- Formation jurisdiction
- Tax ID number
The BOI report also requires basic information about beneficial owners and company applicants:
- Full legal name
- Date of birth
- Residential address
- Copy of non-expired ID (e.g., license or passport)
Is Montana a sales tax free state?
Yes! In fact, your Montana LLC will be given the same rights and privileges as a Montana resident. Your LLC can purchase and own vehicles, RVs, airplanes, or any other type of personal property. So, let’s say you want to buy an RV that costs $100,000. However, the state you currently live in charges an 8% sales tax that will increase your total amount by about $8,000. Because your Montana LLC is considered a state resident, it can purchase the RV and register it in Montana without being hit with sales tax—saving you thousands.
How do I buy car in Montana with an LLC?
Once we form your Montana LLC, your business will be free to purchase any vehicle you may want. Simply list the name of your Montana LLC and our business address on the titling paperwork. It’s that easy. Check out our Vehicle Registration Service page to get started.
Do I need a Montana driver’s license?
Absolutely not. Tons of people form a Montana LLC in order to make tax free purchases. It’s totally normal. However, lying about being a resident of a state you don’t live in, is not a path you want to walk down. It’s definitely not okay to obtain a driver’s license using a registered agent’s address or any other address that isn’t where you actually reside. Don’t do it.
Do I need to file a Montana annual report?
Yes. Your annual report must be submitted between January 1 and April 15 each year, along with the $20 report fee (which has been waived for the year 2024). Otherwise, you will be hit with a $15 late fee. If you fail to file by November 30, your business will be administratively dissolved by the state.
For an additional $70, we’ll automatically file your annual report for you.
Do I need an Employer Identification Number (EIN)?
If you’re looking to form a Montana LLC solely for purchasing a vehicle, RV, travel trailer, or any other kind of property, then you shouldn’t need to worry about obtaining an EIN.
However, if you plan on doing much more with your LLC—such as hiring employees or opening a business bank account—you’ll want to request an EIN from the IRS.
Does Montana require a business license?
The state of Montana doesn’t have a general business license requirement. However, some businesses will be required to obtain a license. For example, if you wish to become an independent contractor, you’ll need to obtain a Montana Independent Contractor License. The application will cost $125.
Other professions that require a Montana business license include: athletic trainers, chiropractors, barbers, dentists, electricians, nutritionists, and massage therapists. To see if you’ll need to apply for a license, you can check out our occupational license page for more information.
Ready to form your Montana LLC? Sign up now!
Corporate Kit with free shipping
Are you looking for a professional solution to keeping all of your business documents organized? For just $90 (including free shipping), you can order one of our corporate kits—each one includes a black binder (embossed with your name on the spine) and index dividers. In addition, all corporate kits for LLCs come with 20 custom membership interest certificates, initial and annual meeting paperwork, preprinted operating agreement, membership transfer ledgers, LLC paperwork sheets, and IRS forms.