Montana Foreign LLC
A Montana Certificate of Authority for your LLC, corporation, or any business entity is obtained by registering with the Montana Secretary of State.
If you have a corporation or LLC that is based or headquartered in another state and would like to do business in Montana, our signup form will take less than 5 minutes. We don’t have weird additional fees after you spend 10 minutes filling out a form.
Order Foreign Incorporation
Many people have to get a Certificate of Authority if they are submitting a bid proposal for the State of Montana. The good news for you is that we can get you completely registered. We charge $49 a year for registered agent service, and just $100 plus state fees for Montana foreign LLC or corporation registration.
When you hire us to do the filing for you to register your out-of-state business in Montana, we get the certificate of good standing from your home state and file the appropriate documents with the MT SOS, and our total price includes one year of registered agent service. If you’ll take a close look at our sign up form, you can electronically sign the form with your mouse, and we won’t even need to get your physical signature on the Montana Certificate of Authority form. You’ll be done with everything in about 5 minutes.
You are required to register your business with Montana if you wish to do business here. You’ll need a Montana registered agent. Our economical Montana registered agent service costs only $49 a year. That’s half the price of our next cheapest competitor, and we include WAY more standard services in our Montana registered agent service.
If your company is headquartered in another state but has an office here in Montana, it is usually still a good idea to use a registered agent service, so you will know that important documents will get where they need to be. For only $49, you will have the peace of mind that a professional Montana compliance company is watching out for your business needs with the Montana Secretary of State.
A certificate of existence or certificate of good standing from your state is no longer required.
Montana foreign LLCs and Montana foreign corporations are required to file an annual report each year with the Montana Secretary of State by April 15th. The report costs $20 (in 2024, that $20 filing fee is waived). We remind you of this filing. It’s also tracked in your online account, and the postcard gets mailed to your Montana registered agent. You can download the postcard after we upload it to your account, or you can file the report online on the Montana Secretary of State website very easily. There’s also an option for us to do this filing every year for you if you would like.
If you already have the Certificate of Authority form and know what you’re doing, you can just use our registered agent service for $49, and all the forms you could file will be pre-populated in your online account immediately. If you’re in a hurry, we’ll get the filing done way faster than you could on your own, because we have an account with the SOS and file electronically. If you do it, you’ll have to mail it in, because the State of Montana does not accept credit cards or fax filings from the general public.
If you’re a foreigner, and looking for a Montana LLC, this is not the page for you. A Montana Foreign LLC means you already have an LLC established somewhere and want to register it to do business in Montana. If you’re a foreign person wanting a new Montana LLC, please visit our Montana LLC page.